Friday, October 7, 2011

Lord Robert Baden-Powell

One of the people that has influenced me the most is Lord Robert Baden-Powell. Most people don’t know who Lord Baden-Powell is, but almost everyone has heard of the organization he started: The Boy Scouts. Lord Baden-Powell first got the idea for Boy Scouts while he was in the British Army in the late 1800’s. Powell was charged with defending Mafeking during the Boer Wars in South Africa. Mafeking was eventually besieged by a Boer army. Powell had all the young boys in Mafeking help with garrison duty, running errands, and relaying messages in order to free up the men for military service. Powell even had the older boys dress as men so it appeared that there were many more fighting men than were actually there. The boys did such a fantastic job, Powell used many of the things he taught them to write a book called Aids to Scouting. When Powell returned to England, he found that Aids to Scouting had become a best seller, and numerous groups based around his book had been formed. Powell created a camp on Brownsea Island to teach different boy’s groups more “aids to scouting.” Powell formed the Boy Scouts in 1907. Boy Scouting quickly spread out of England, forming in America in 1910. Boy Scouting is now a worldwide movement.

I have been involved in Boy Scouts ever since I joined Cub Scouts at age 6. I became a Boy Scout at age 11, and I received my Eagle Scout award earlier this year. Boy Scouting has made a huge difference in my life. Through Scouting, I learned responsibility, self-confidence, leadership, and valuable life skills. I can honestly say that my life would be completely different without my experience in Boy Scouting.

1 comment:

  1. I Didn't know who that guy was but I definitely knew about Boy Scouts. My brother was a boy scout and he was very close to being an eagle scout, but he was really busy and didn't put enough time into it. I think it's awesome that boy scouts is so important to you. It really is a great organization to be a part of and it obviously taught you a lot!
